federally recognized area of economic distress

(5) Federally recognized area of economic distress The term “federally recognized area of economic distress” means— (A) a HUBZone, as that term is defined in section 657a(b) of this title ; (B) an area that— (i) has been designated as— (I) an empowerment zone under section 1391 of title 26 ; or (II) a Promise Zone by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; or (ii) is a low or moderate income area, as determined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development; (C) a qualified opportunity zone, as that term is defined in section 1400Z–1 of title 26 ; or (D) any other political subdivision or unincorporated area of a State determined by the Under Secretary to be an area of economic distress.


15 USC § 9501(5)

Scoping language

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