Hurricane Hole

(1) Definitions In this subsection: (A) Hurricane Hole The term “Hurricane Hole” means the natural salt-water body of water within the Duesenbury Tracts of the eastern parcel of the Tarpon Basin boundary adjustment and accessed by Duesenbury Creek. (B) Map The term “map” means the map entitled “Proposed Tarpon Basin Boundary Revision”, numbered 160/80,012, and dated May 2008. (C) Secretary The term “Secretary” means the Secretary of the Interior. (D) Tarpon Basin property The term “Tarpon Basin property” means land that— (i) is comprised of approximately 600 acres of land and water surrounding Hurricane Hole, as generally depicted on the map; and (ii) is located in South Key Largo.


16 USC § 410r-9(a)(1)

Scoping language

In this subsection
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