smart community

(3) Required working groups The working groups specified in this paragraph are each of the following: (A) The rural smart communities working group (i) Establishment The Council shall establish a Rural Smart Communities Working Group. (ii) Duties The Rural Smart Communities Working Group shall— (I) not later than 1 year after the establishment of such Working Group, submit to Congress a report describing efforts of rural areas to integrate smart technology into their communities to solve challenges relating to governance, economic development, quality of life, or other relevant rural issues, as determined by the Secretary; and (II) create, publish, and maintain a resource guide designed to assist States and other rural communities in developing and implementing rural smart community programs. (iii) Smart community defined For the purposes of this subparagraph, the term “smart community” means a community that has the ability to integrate multiple technological solutions, in a secure fashion, to manage a community’s assets, including local government information systems, schools, libraries, transportation systems, hospitals, power plants, law enforcement, and other community services with the goal of promoting quality of life through the use of technology in ways that improve the efficiency of services and meet residents’ needs. (B) Jobs accelerator working group (i) Establishment The Council shall establish a Jobs Accelerator Working Group. (ii) Goals The Jobs Accelerator Working Group shall support rural jobs accelerators (as defined in section 2008w(a)(4) of this title )— (I) to improve the ability of rural communities to create high-wage jobs, accelerate the formation of new businesses with high-growth potential, and strengthen regional economies, including by helping to build capacity in the applicable region to achieve those goals; and (II) to help rural communities identify and maximize local assets and connect to regional opportunities, networks, and industry clusters that demonstrate high growth potential. (iii) Duties The Jobs Accelerator Working Group shall— (I) provide the public with available information and technical assistance on Federal resources relevant to a project and region; (II) establish a Federal support team comprised of staff from participating agencies in the working group that shall provide coordinated and dedicated support services to rural jobs accelerators; and (III) provide opportunities for rural jobs accelerators to share best practices and further collaborate with one another.


7 USC § 2204b-3(h)(3)

Scoping language

in this paragraph
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