State, local, and Tribal affairs

(15) State, local, and Tribal affairs The term “State, local, and Tribal affairs” means domestic activities conducted by a National Drug Control Program agency that are intended to reduce the availability and use of illegal drugs, including— (A) coordination and enhancement of Federal, State, local, and Tribal law enforcement drug control efforts; (B) coordination and enhancement of efforts among National Drug Control Program agencies and State, local, and Tribal demand reduction and supply reduction agencies; (C) coordination and enhancement of Federal, State, local, and Tribal law enforcement initiatives to gather, analyze, and disseminate information and law enforcement intelligence relating to drug control among domestic law enforcement agencies; and (D) other coordinated and joint initiatives among Federal, State, local, and Tribal agencies to promote comprehensive drug control strategies designed to reduce the demand for, and the availability of, illegal drugs.


21 USC § 1701(15)

Scoping language

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