8 percent rate equivalent percentage

(2) 8 and 15.5 percent rate equivalent percentages For purposes of this subsection— (A) 8 percent rate equivalent percentage The term “8 percent rate equivalent percentage” means, with respect to any United States shareholder for any taxable year, the percentage which would result in the amount to which such percentage applies being subject to a 8 percent rate of tax determined by only taking into account a deduction equal to such percentage of such amount and the highest rate of tax specified in section 11 for such taxable year. In the case of any taxable year of a United States shareholder to which section 15 applies, the highest rate of tax under section 11 before the effective date of the change in rates and the highest rate of tax under section 11 after the effective date of such change shall each be taken into account under the preceding sentence in the same proportions as the portion of such taxable year which is before and after such effective date, respectively. (B) 15.5 percent rate equivalent percentage The term “15.5 percent rate equivalent percentage” means, with respect to any United States shareholder for any taxable year, the percentage determined under subparagraph (A) applied by substituting “15.5 percent rate of tax” for “8 percent rate of tax”.


26 USC § 965(c)(2)

Scoping language

For purposes of this subsection
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